New Year

Return to routine. Hot coffee and bagels. Dark commuter bus.

Return to routine.
Hot coffee and bagels.
Dark commuter bus.

Author: Janice

A creative. Lifelong Marylander. After many odd jobs of adolescence and college, have always worked as a writer and published essays, op-eds, articles, and poetry in national news media and small presses. Collection of poetry, "Saturday at the Gym", about boxing, aging, and motherhood; collection of artwork and poetry, "What Are Mothers For?" On the verge of an empty nest for the first time in 30 years, my question is: What am I for?

One thought on “New Year”

  1. Thank you very much for sharing your haiku.
    I always enjoy your beautiful haiku.
    “New Year” haiku reminds me that we live our lives based on everyday’s routine and these repetitive things will lead us to the better life. It is interesting to find out that hot coffee, bagles and dark bus(and perhaps cars) are the typical morning events in the U.S.! In Japan, it would be rice balls, green tea and bright trains.

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